Friday, February 16, 2007

Sleeping disorders and social anxiety self help tips

Social anxiety and sleeping disorders often go hand in hand. Sleep deprivation may prevent you from getting rid of your social fears and anxieties and even worsen the situation. And vice versa, being in the socially anxious state can disturb sound sleeping and lead to insomnia. It a kind of a vicious circle. But you shouldn’t linger and try to do something about your sleep. Here are some useful social anxiety self help tips to consider.

  • Let’s start with the so called counter-sleeping habits. Yes, I mean caffeine, nicotine and alcohol.
  • Start with relaxation and breathing exercises. Do it while in bed. You will kill two birds with one stone if you manage to relax (more sleep and less anxiety). Keep it in mind.
  • In addition to the first tip - have a warm bath right before the sleep as it will help you to fall asleep sooner.
  • Your regime is very important. Make a sleeping schedule and try to stick to it as carefully as you can. Go to bed and get up exactly at the same time every day.
  • Then it comes to your sleeping environment. Make it comfortable and sleep-provoking. It should be cool and dark and silent. Your bed should be smooth and sweet and dear to you.
  • Don’t forget to do physical exercises. A half an hour of walking in the evening may work wonders.
  • Last but not least, keep a sleeping diary. It will help you to trace the development of your disease and mark improvements.