Thursday, January 11, 2007

Process goes on!

One of the social anxiety self help methods is to take action. It is no use to sit still and wait until some miracle happens. You should do it yourself! Stop thinking that medicines or therapists will do all the work for you and bring you relief. It’s all in your hands. Hands that can pull the wheels rolling and leaving anxieties and fears behind. You should always have in mind that process goes on.

Remember that during anxiety attacks it is your body that turns anxious and you should learn to master your thoughts and relax. When you feel socially anxious try to distract yourself from it. It is just your body that is anxious and you should try to make your body busy with something more worthy and interesting. Process should go on!

Of course, you (as all socially anxious and depressed people) may be reluctant to do anything at all but no one says that social anxiety self help is an easy job. There are so many opportunities to get in action and invigorate oneself! Start working at yourself: give up smoking, alcohol, sugar; there's more to life that this; walk every day; chat with friends; meditate; entertain yourself everyday… Keep in mind that process goes on!

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